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How do I find out whether I am a Member in good standing?
You are considered to be “in good standing” if you have paid your local and national annual membership dues. The Membership Committee maintains a list of all Members in good standing. Please contact the Membership Committee with any questions regarding your membership status, at membership@huacwr.org.

Are my membership dues tax deductible?

No. Dues are not tax deductible.

How does the Club use my dues?

You annual membership dues help: support the Club's activities year round; fund scholarships for some of the best and brightest students in Westchester and Rockland counties; support student recruitment initiatives and enhance the Howard University Alumni Association’s outstanding programs.

How do I suggest an event, program or speaker for a meeting?

The Club welcomes new ideas and suggestions on membership activities; there are many opportunities for involvement. Please complete an Activity Proposal Form and email it to the Vice President at vicepresident@huacwr.org. The Vice President will present your proposal to the Executive Committee for consideration. If your proposal is approved, you will be contacted to discuss planning and formation of an ad hoc committee to work on the activity.

How do I get reimbursed for my expenses related to a Club event, program or meeting?

Please complete an Expense Reimbursement Form and submit it to the Treasurer.

How do I join a committee?

The work of the Club is made possible by volunteers like you who participate in committees. Please visit the Committees page to learn how to connect with the committee that you are interested in joining.