• About Us •
Executive Committee
The Executive Committee is comprised of the President, Vice President,
Secretary and Treasurer of the Club. The committee acts for the
Howard University Alumni Club of Westchester and Rockland and
approves all actions and activities on behalf of the Club between
regularly scheduled Regular Membership meetings, subject to the
limits of the Club’s Bylaws.
Please contact president@huacwr.org
for more information.
Nominating Committee
The Nominating Committee nominates all candidates for officers
of the Howard University Alumni Club of Westchester and Rockland.
Please contact nominating@huacwr.org
for more information.
Membership Committee
The Membership Committee promotes attendance at Howard University
Alumni Club of Westchester and Rockland events, conducts membership
drives, contacts alumni moving into the Westchester and Rockland
county area and acquaints them with the Club and keeps Members
informed about activities and meetings.
Please contact membership@huacwr.org
for more information.